Community Meet and Greet/Jimmy’s Stop and Shop
October 28, 2023
10205 Elys Ford Road Fredericksburg VA 22407
The event will be from 2-8 pm at Jimmy’s Stop and Shop, 10205 Elys Ford Road Fredericksburg VA 22407. Come out and enjoy great food from Crave Food Truck and meet:
Gerald Childress, candidate for Chancellor District Supervisor
Ryan Mehaffey, candidate for Commonwealth’s Attorney
Jordan Lynch, candidate for Chancellor District School Board
Gerald Childress for Chancellor District Supervisor Golf Tournament campaign fundraiser!
August 28, 2023
Gerald Childress for Chancellor District Supervisor Golf Tournament
Hey friends! You’re Invited! Join me for a fantastic day of golf at the Gerald Childress for Chancellor District Supervisor Golf Tournament campaign fundraiser. It’s all happening at Lee’s Hill Golf Club on Monday, August 28th, 2023.
We have some exciting sponsorship opportunities available, so if you’re interested in getting involved, please reach out at 540-412-8447. Let’s make this event a huge success together!
Don’t miss out on this chance to have a great time while supporting my campaign. Spread the word and use the hashtags #Childress4Chancellor and #TeamGerald to help us reach even more people. Let’s make a difference together!
Looking forward to seeing you all there. Save the date and get ready for an amazing day on the green!
Click on the link below to sign up!!
Spotsylvania Stars and Stripes Spectacular
July 1, 2023
Join us for a day of celebration and community spirit!
Gather your friends and family, and join us for a day of celebration and community spirit. We would love to meet you, so don’t forget to stop by our tent and say hello!
The event will consist of musical entertainment, children’s activities, food, craft vendors, and will culminate with a fireworks display. The event is FREE to the public. Rain date is July 2.
June 3, 2023
Vote for Gerald Childress as your Republican nominee!
Your Support and Turnout Needed for the June 3rd Spotsylvania GOP Mass Meeting
Spotsylvania County Republicans have scheduled a Mass Meeting for June 3rd to select nominees for the upcoming November 7th elections. I seek the Republican nomination to run as your Republican candidate for the Board of Supervisors Chancellor District seat. I am confident I am the most qualified and experienced candidate for the position.
I am asking for your support and your vote at the Mass Meeting on June 3rd. Your turnout and support are essential to the success of my campaign. I believe that with your help, we can make a positive difference in our community and bring about the changes that are necessary for our future.
I am passionate about representing our community and ensuring that our values and principles are reflected in our government. I have a proven track record of leadership and experience that make me the ideal candidate for this position. There should not be a “No Nominee” option, as I am seeking the Republican nomination.
I would be honored to have your support and your vote at the Mass Meeting on June 3rd, 2023 to be held at the Marshall Center Auditorium, 8800 Courthouse Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553 at 10:00 AM. Registration will open no later than 8:45 AM and will close at 10:00 AM, or until registration of all those persons in line to register at 10:00 AM have completed registration. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Gerald Childress
Gerald Childress for Chancellor BOS Meet & Greet BBQ
May 21, 2023
Meet Gerald and enjoy some delicious BBQ!
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Location: Battlefield Country Store, Plank Road